Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Ok...I've been tagged. Apparently this means I am supposed to write 6 quirky things about me. Hmmm, let's see what I can come up with.

1. I can't stand when hair sticks to me in the shower. This is pretty difficult having hair as long as mine and sometimes I can't see it that well since I have pretty light highlights. It drives me crazy. (I'm also neurotic about hair on soap.)

2. I eat egg whites every morning for breakfast. I love them and I don't feel like my day has begun correctly without them.

3. I don't like mayonaise because of the sound it makes when it is scooped from the jar. Don't ask, I don't know where this came from, I just have never liked mayo. When I make tuna I use as little as possible and I substitute sour cream when cooking if the recipe calls for mayo.

4. I never remember birthdays...ever. I have a steel trap for a brain but somehow birthdays never seem to stick. Ask anyone, I remember names, directions, phone numbers from eons ago, EVERYTHING except birthdays.

5. I am really good at packing. I should be, I've moved a gazillion times. In all of my moves, I've never had anything break. (Knock on wood.) And, I'm an excellent unpacker. I was completely unpacked into our current house, with stuff hung on the walls, in a matter of 4 days.

6. Shawn and I have had less than 5 big disagreement/arguments in the 11 years we have been married. This is probably because he is a saint and gives/does whatever I want. My grandmother always tells me that Shawn and I complement one another and I couldn't agree more.

Well, that's it. I guess I should call out three people.

Tabatha, Julie, and M-Dawg, you've now been tagged!


Blogger Tobey Family said...

what I've been taged I will do my best!

9:48 PM  
Blogger M-Dawg said...

Thanks R! :-)

11:12 AM  
Blogger Julie Wieder said...

which julie?

6:44 PM  

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