Thursday, September 11, 2008

102 Minutes

I've been watching a piece on the History channel entitled, "102 Minutes That Changed The World." I'll never forget, as I'm sure you won't either, where we were 7 years ago today during those 102 minutes. I'll also never forget the frantic message one of my dearest friends left for me as she was attempting to leave Manhattan, unsure of where to go or what to do. I don't usually get too serious here on good old blogspot but I need just a few lines.

This has been quite a tumultuous run for Georgie boy, hasn't it? I poke fun but I think most of you know in which direction I lean. There have been countless points in history when leaders have had to make very difficult decisions, some more successful than others, and when the people of this nation have had to make great sacrifice. This is not limited to war times. Ups and downs in the economy, severe weather, losing a job, so many circumstances have tested us as individuals and as a people, united. I believe we live in the greatest nation on earth and I plan on doing what I can to keep it that way. I'm not trying to sway you in either direction just make sure your vote comes from your head and not your heart. Be an informed voter looking to ensure this great nation of ours continues to be just that.


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