Wedding Weekend
I just had the best weekend trip! Unfortunately, you all will have to take my word for it because I don't have any pictures. Once I'm able to acquire a few I will post. Needless to say, the wedding - and all of the festivities surrounding it - was a blast. It has been 11 years since my group of best friends from high school have been together. There were 6 of us that were very tight...making it a bit difficult at times for others to be around us given the multitude of inside jokes. We could succesfully have multiple conversations simultaneously and we would know exactly what each one was about. So...Friday night was no different. Thankfully we were all at the post rehearsal dinner party when Christine arrived so we didn't feel as though we were being too loud or crazy. We belted out some Indigo Girls songs and a little Been Caught Stealing and spent a lot of time laughing, crying, and loving being together! I have now assumed the task of coordinating our first annual trip.
Congrats, Bridget and Erik!!!
Coordinate away! The sooner the better. That kind of natural fun needs to happen more often. Miss you! As soon as I get home I will email you some of the better/funnier pics. I have a few that will be added to the wallpaper pics from yester-year!
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