Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter, Act 1

Happy Easter! Our morning, all 48 minutes of it so far, has consisted of the traditional Easter basket hunt, Conner's gift to Grady, and me taking pictures with my nifty new camera. I thought I'd share a few.
I wanted to take a minute and tell you about the gift that Conner made for Grady. Conner got a High School Musical book for his birthday. This book is no ordinary book - it is full of pop outs and little envelopes that contain trinkets about the different characters. Needless to say, Grady really likes this book and Conner has had a difficult time sharing it. Yesterday, Conner decided he was going to make Grady one of his own. He spent close to 3 hours drawing each page, making the different pop out sections, attached envelopes to the pages filling them with the various surpises, and adding color. He was very proud of his work and was very excited to give his gift this morning. I was very proud of him as well, but a little twinge of concern had me worried that Grady may not be as excited as Conner was. I didn't want his feelings to be hurt but I also didn't want to make him feel badly about this treasure he had worked so hard to create. Well, I don't know why I had any concern. When Conner gave the book to Grady they shared a very precious couple of minutes - one that is not shared often between brothers their age. Grady gave Conner several hugs and let Conner show him each page, explaining all of the drawings. What a wonderful Easter morning!We asked Grady to smile...he proceeded to shake his booty!


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