Monday, April 04, 2011

Out Like a Lamb?!

Spencer seeing her Barbie come out onto the catwalk at FAO!

Yep! Buddy came down to say hello on his way out of Carlos's Bakery.

Grady getting a second to wrestle with Coach Mark.

Most of his team after the last meet.

Grady turned 7!

Conner's basketball team after the kids vs. parents game.

Grandparents Day 2011.

Fun in the trees!

March sort of flew by, didn't it? The winter sports wrapped up and we had a few weeks to breathe before soccer began this past weekend. It was a brisk morning, but the boys had fun and it's nice to be outside watching sports instead of couped up in a gym. Both Grady and Conner are playing soccer as well as finishing up the year with scouts. Conner recently earned his Webelos patch and Grady should be receiving his Tiger patch next month.

Shawn is traveling a ton - which is both a blessing and a curse. I hate having him gone for so long and for so often, but it does make it easier to keep the house clean and ready for showings. No offers yet, but our agent is hopeful and very positive, so that is how I remain. I won't turn away any prayer you may send up, however, to maybe speed the process along ;-)

This month brings lots of fun things...camping trips, some time with extended family, and my annual girls weekend! I'm pretty excited to be hosting the ladies this year as we descend upon NYC for a day full of shopping, Broadway shows, and lots of laughs for sure! Have a great April!


Blogger Shay said...

So many great pictures! :)

8:00 PM  

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