Tuesday, October 30, 2012

One Year Later

Wow.  One whole year.  Shawn has been giving me a hard time for months now to update the blog.  My response is always, “I will”, however it’s pretty clear that I haven’t!  So, here we are, one year after my last post.  A lot has changed while much remains the same.  Mostly, the boys continue to grow while we continue to run them around to their various activities.  I’m still home during the day, holding down the fort, and Shawn is very busy with his work.  

This past summer was quite busy, with both boys attending both Boy Scout camp as well as Summer’s Best Two Weeks.  We had many house guests, which we love, and enjoyed a week living like cowboys at the Tumbling River Ranch in Colorado.  These spoiled kids...:-)...they have the life!!

Conner is now in 6th grade - his final year in elementary school.  He is a conscientious student, is continuing with violin for another year, moved up to Boy Scouts at the end of last year, began swimming for a competitive youth team this fall, and is a member of a local youth group.  I’m not sure I’m ready for him to move over to the middle school next year.  He is a super sweet boy who is very silly and very sensitive and starting to become a lot more independent.  We could not be more proud of the young man he is growing into.

Grady is in the 3rd grade and “riding the bus like a normal kid” this year.  Our district only buses the kids in town to the upper elementary so this was a big deal this fall.  Aside from being dubbed “Goofball Grady”, he is a good student, a cub scout, and an all around sports dude playing baseball, soccer, and wrestling.  He is a constant source of entertainment for all of us.

So, life for the Johnson’s goes on.  We are planning on another move...is anyone really that surprised?  Just within town but right before the holidays.  We are pretty excited and ready to be finished with that chapter of our lives.  Time to set down some major roots and become a solid part of a community.  We’ll have lots of space for guests so all are welcome, as usual.  Happy Halloween and see you in November!


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