Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Ah, the life of a blogger.

I don't know about you, but the internet has made me extremely lazy when it comes to correspondence. I'll send a quick email to say hello but I find myself using the phone quite infrequently. Since we are so far away from "home"...I quote that because often times I don't really feel as though home exists as in "going home for the holidays" as we are all so spread out now and very removed from Pittsburgh...I have lost touch with people who were once very dear to me. Then came What a great window into the lives of a few whom I have not really known for the last few years due to distance and life. Keep up those updates and keep on posting pictures. I'm nosy and I want to see your kiddos and know what you've been up to!

Monday, January 23, 2006

Pittsburgh's going to the Super Bowl!!

Here's our AFC Championship party! Everyone donned their black and gold and we were happy to have the Hormells here with us for the big game. Two weeks till Bettis goes home!!!

All of our snow melted this past week for the second time this winter only to wake up this morning to see snow falling yet again. Our weekend was BEAUTIFUL...I think it was 57 on fact Grace and Conner were able to play outside for quite sometime on the trampoline and the swing set. What a treat for mid-January.

This week is business as usual for the Johnsons and then I'm off to Maryland to spend the weekend with the Tseronis' to celebrate the upcoming addition to their family. Shawn and the boys will find some fun things to do to fill their time I'm sure, they always do. Have a great week, everyone!

Conner insisted that I take a picture of him on this mermaid chair. We went to Margarita's, a local restaurant, for Conner's birthday to celebrate.

Grady and mommy and his new favorite toy.

Monday, January 16, 2006

The Birthday month is in full swing!

So...January is a big birthday month around here. Conner turned 5 on the 10th, Shawn turned 32 yesterday, and I'll be 31 this coming Friday. We did Conner's birthday party this year at the gym so there were lots of gym games and swimming. All of the kids seemed to have a blast and Conner certainly had a great birthday. Shawn couldn't have asked for a better birthday. The Steelers won and his best friend came into town last night.

Ben, Aimee, Grace, and Gavin will be with us until at least this Friday when they may head to Lake Placid to see their sister-in-law compete. She'll be representing the U.S. in Torino this year on the Olympic Ski Team so keep your eye out for Michelle Roark! She'll be skiing moguls.

Conner and Grady have both begun soccer and it seems to be going great. Conner is very good at following instructions and he says he's enjoying the class. Grady, on the other hand, is a wild man on the field. He likes to lay on the parachute as stiff as a board instead of sitting and also runs around giving all of the dads hugs. We think he's going to be mayor or at least hold some sort of office. He likes to kiss babies and says hello to EVERYONE! Conner's swimming lessons started up again this week and he's making progress in the water. It's been a slow process but he's almost there!

I'm getting super excited for March as we'll be heading to South Beach, Jamaica, and Hawaii!!! As Shawn would say, I'm having a good year. We'll be going with Shawn's bosses and their wives as well as a couple of other guys from his company. Everyone gets along so well and we really enjoy spending time with all of them so it should be a fantastic trip(s)!!

Sorry it has taken so long to update. Hope this finds everyone well. Go Steelers!!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

The fam on Christmas Eve.

Christmas morning