Friday, September 30, 2005

It's been a long September

Well, not really. The month has really flown by and this fall isn't showing signs of moving any more slowly. Funny how life does that. I once heard that time seems to move so slow when you are young because, for instance, a year to a two year old is half of their life. As we age, so the ratio changes thus the perceived passing of time changes as well.

I say all of this because I am currently training for a sprint triathlon and I just looked back on this month's distances. Since Sept. 1 I've run 24 miles, biked 140 miles, and swam 6 miles. Where did the time go?? I don't feel like I've had enough time to do all of that. I am, however, aiming to hit some higher numbers this month and not miss any workouts on the schedule. We'll see.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Frickin' laser beams!

This was a headline in the local paper the other week...I got a little chuckle.

Finally I update. This weekend was crazy to say the least. Missy and Jared were with us Thursday afternoon through Saturday afternoon and things could not have gone more smoothly. I even made it to the gym Friday to work out (between school drop offs and pick ups) and Saturday to take the kiddos for a swim. I surprised myself at how easy it was to add two kids to the mix. No, this is by no means a precursor to any news (nor will there be any.) The kids were very excited Thursday night, who can blame them, which is what I believe woke Conner and Missy at 3:30 Friday morning, saying they were ready to get up. I quickly laid them back down and they did fall back to sleep, as did I. (Keep in mind Shawn was gone Tuesday through Saturday so I had them all to myself!!) The following day was filled with running between schools, going to the gym, and playing outside. I was definitely spent once 4:00 rolled around and their mom returned from Detroit to pick them up but it was well worth it.

Shawn and I got a little surprise when we returned home Saturday afternoon. Our house had been "vandalized" by our neighbors who are all Pats fans. I wish I would have taken a picture...the driveway was covered in smack talk and there were Patriots balloons and flags all over our porch. We supported the home team, of course, the next day while we all watched the game together. I love our neighborhood.

So, a new week has begun. Our small group is up and running again with a study on John. Conner's swimming lessons are going so well that I think he'll be able to move up a level for the next session. He's doing the whole lesson without a floatie! (OK, so the teacher gives him a little boost every once in a while, but he can swim halfway across the pool without any help!) Grady is now saying Mommy...he won't stop saying Mommy. Just last week I asked him when he was going to say it. Why did I ask him? Shawn has a test on Friday afternoon and should finish just in time to start stacking the wood that will be delivered. (Gotta love the wood burning fireplace!!) It's just one thing after another. All I know is that in two and a half weeks I get to go back to Pittsburgh for Sayward's shower! Ah, a weekend away.

Apple picking with friends.

My sweet little man.

I refer to Jared and Grady as the "Master and the Apprentice." They are two little peas in a pod!

Grady on game day.

Supporting the home team!!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Oh, happy day!!

I'll post some pictures this weekend but I wanted to post quickly because I got the best news today. My good friend, Betsy Tseronis (Gregory), is 13 weeks pregnant!!!!! I am currently crying tears of joy for her and Pete, her awesome husband. If you are the praying type, keep them in your prayers.

Friday, September 16, 2005

The school year is in full swing!

Well, being a stay-at-home mom sure doesn't free up the schedule much. In fact, it just makes room for more "stuff." Between school, swimming lessons, tae-kwon-do lessons, babysitting at the gym, and playdates the past two weeks have flown by.

Conner is enjoying pre-school three days a week. Today his job was to count before all of the songs...I suppose you need to really stretch to find jobs for all 16 kids! Conner is also quite fond of the gym and, more specifically, going to the babysitting room. Since I work until 1 on Tuesdays, the employee's children all eat lunch together. This is very cool to Conner. What is not cool to Conner is the brown bag. I really don't know what I was thinking when I bought brown bags for lunches - I've been working with high schoolers for too long. After my first day "on the job" we went right over to the mall and got an Incredibles lunch box. Now he's cool.

Grady just had his 18 month check-up. Up until this most recent visit to the doctor, he enjoyed his visits...well, until he received his shots. He must have remembered the previous visit because when the doctor walked into the examining room he started to cry. (Luckily there are no shots at 18 months.) He's a whopping 24 pounds 15 ounces and 33 inches. What a bruiser!! He is definitely our tough guy. Shawn took the boys to the playground last weekend where Grady fell face first onto the ground. The Grades didn't even flinch, he just got up, brushed off, and kept on going.

Next week should be jam packed with excitement. Shawn is going to be in Boston Tuesday thru Sunday, and I am taking our good friends' youngest two children for two nights while they are in Detroit. Missy is Conner's age and his best little friend, and Jared is 3. We'll have a great time.

Conner on his first day of school.

Finding his cubby.

I call Grady Mr. Slippers now. The first thing he looks for when he wakes up is this set of light-up slippers...what a comedian!!

Monday, September 05, 2005

A beautiful weekend in Quebec

The Chateau Frontenac in Quebec City, Quebec

I figured I'd post tonight while I'm sifting through the pictures from this weekend as this coming week is going to be quite busy. Summer has officially come to an end.

We had a fantastic time with our neighbors, and good friends, the Tobeys. The drive to Quebec is about 6 hours - a short jaunt in the lives of the traveling Johnson's - but we managed to stretch that into 12 as we stopped at Ben and Jerry's (a must) and in Burlington, Vermont. Car trips are always an adventure and everyone, including the babies, had fun. Grady was an absolute mess by the time we got out of the car. He really enjoyed the mini Oreos!

Conner was a great sport on Sunday when he climed 400 steps, as well as walked the old city. He enjoyed riding the Ferry across the St. Lawrence and seeing the Chateau, known now as "The Castle." As I watched him interact with our friends during our trip it was so hard to comprehend how old he is getting. Selim commented on how good and sweet he is and I just couldn't agree more.

Our weather could not have been more perfect. Low 70s during the day and 50s at night. We enjoyed dinner and wine on the porch of the bed and breakfast Sunday night and great company all weekend. I think we'll all sleep very well tonight...joyously exhausted!

Grady and Alex on the Ben and Jerry's playground.

Looking down into the Lower town's Place Royale.

Me and my little guys.

I love my boys!!

The seven of us on the porch of La Maison Sous...our home for the weekend.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Summer is about to end...

and school is about to start. Conner's first day is next Friday. He'll be in the three day class at the same preschool and he'll have the same teachers that he had last year. The excitement is building as Conner really enjoyed school last year. Tae Kwon Do and swimming lessons are also on the books for the fall so he has a lot to look forward to.

Grady will be hanging with me causing all sorts of destruction. He is a wild man! He's also very silly, always laughing and doing funny things. He recently discovered Conner's Dr. Seuss hat (Cat in the Hat's hat) and likes to put that on even though it tends to tip him over due to the size! Grady will be starting swimming lessons this fall and I'm looking forward to seeing how quickly he takes to it - the kid has no fear.

As for Shawn and I, well, we're along for the ride! I'll be busy with the boys in addition to working at the gym two days a week. It just seemed like a no brainer, so Tuesday mornings and Wednesday afternoons I'll be with them in the babysitting room. Shawn is going to be busy as well. He recently acquired the Long Island area which means more travel. He is doing well and still loving his job for which we are very thankful. What a blessing to love what you do.

Well, this weekend we're off to Quebec City, Quebec with our neighbors. Shawn's been wanting to go there for a couple of years now so we finally set some time aside. It should be a great trip.

This is from our trip to Michigan earlier this summer. Anyone who knows Conner knows his infatuation with the ladies and, more specifically, mermaids. Conner said he is a "merMAN, not a merMAID."

Grady in his "cage" at Aunt Sayward and Uncle Matt's. Yes, we need to cage the beast!!! Don't worry, we let him out every once in a while.