Thursday, August 30, 2007

1st Day of School!

Meet the teacher day on Tuesday.

First morning waiting for the bus with his good friends, Jori and Jillian.

Here they are...the first day of school photos! Yesterday was the first day of first grade and it was great. Conner loved it - he said he likes the bus the best - and is now wanting to buy lunch. I'm not sure if that is such a good idea as he tends to be a bit clumsy from time to time. I may need to request a lunch line helper, is that going a bit too far??

We did hear from the preschool that we wanted Grady to attend and they do have space! Tuesdays and Fridays are Grady's school days. He is so excited to go to school and has been a little angel now that he does not need to compete for my attention. We are all enjoying the new schedule.
Have a great Labor Day weekend. We'll be hanging out with our friend and his two kiddos. Later!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

1 Week 'Till School!

My boys as mermen.

One of these things is not like the others.

My boys at Rye Beach, NH.

We are officially one week away from the start of first grade. Conner has been counting down the days which I feel gives me the freedom to be as excited as he is. So here we are, happy as can be for the upcoming first day of school.

If you haven't heard from me for a little while that is because we have been working like crazy to get the kitchen floor finished. Yes, the weekend I was in Pittsburgh, Shawn surprised me by ripping out the hideous kitchen linoleum and beginning the very large job of tiling the kitchen floor. Now that it is complete it is absolutely beautiful. The before pictures were taken by Shawn's parents, thankfully, otherwise we would have no record of what used to be. The floor was originally white speckled linoleum but when we moved in it was yellowed and the seams were beginning to show. Yikes!! Shawn and Ben did the entry from the garage/laundry/1/2 bath earlier this year.

For those of you with school age children I am sure you are High School Musical 2ed out! We have been watching it non-stop...I suppose there are worse things Conner could be into...and Grady has discovered the computer. He wasn't really interested in it until this last week. He is now a Mahjongg wiz and has begun to master Jump Start Kindergarten. I thought I'd humor him this morning by putting the disc in and figured it would occupy him for a few minutes. Two hours later he was still working on the games. I guess this means I don't need to invest in the PreSchool disc.
Summer has been fun and relatively relaxing as we stayed in New England this year. We had a great visit with my mom and Brian a few weeks ago, went to see James Taylor - awesome concert, hit Hershey Park, spent time at the beach, Shawn's mom and brother were here, and the list goes on. Next summer will be a traveling summer, I can feel it.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Yellow Belt!

Well, at least we are thinking he'll receive his yellow belt. Conner had testing this past weekend and the belts are presented at their first class following the test. There is a link to the right of Conner breaking a board with his bare hands! Very exciting.

We have had our friends' children this weekend so we are completely exhausted to say the least. Luckily the weather has been great so the kids have had a lot of outside time. I think we sufficiently wore them out yesterday as bedtime was a breeze with the kids falling asleep before checking on them.

Grady ready for some water action.

I am so worn out so I'm going to leave it at that. School starts in two weeks and we're still unsure of where the Grades will be for preschool. Hopefully we'll know something this week.