Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Start Spreading The News!

Dum, Dum, give me gum gum.

It's not a trip to New York without a visit to Toys R Us in Times Square.

Gotta love public transportation these days!

Yankees 12, Seattle 4...I think. OK, I know they won.

The whole fam damily after the game.

Boy, do our kids get around or what?? I'm pretty certain that I didn't leave the state of Pennsylvania more than a handful of times before I got into middle school. Oh well, we enjoy traveling as a family.

We had a great time in New York. The weather was beautiful for the Yankees game, the boys got to see Dum Dum, and we got to catch up with some old friends. One of our former students from Fox Chapel Presby Youth Group just finished up her pre med program at Columbia so she came to our hotel for breakfast. Then later that afternoon, we met up with a girl - woman - I used to babysit, in Central Park, for some dogs and catching up. Wow...I was gently reminded of just how old I am!! It was so great to see these ladies and even nicer to see just how well they are doing.

School does not wrap up until June 20th, so we still have a few weeks until summer officially begins. I'm slowing but surely getting this house cleaned and summertime ready. My next job is to get about 15 yards of mulch delivered and spread. Yikes. I have a VERY large job ahead of me.

Hope you all had a great long weekend.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Mommy and The Grades

These days it's just me and the Grades. Today we had some fun with the most recent kid's meal toy from BK. The boys are totally geared up for the new Indiana Jones movie and as a result, Grady was brushing up on his whip skills. You'll find a link (soon) to Grady's video in the column to the right. I had to "sing" the theme music about 20 times today as he ran the circle to attack the snake and bug.
Shawn returns home tonight from Denver and then we are off to NYC for a great weekend. We wanted to take the kids to a Yankee's game before the stadium is replaced so we'll spend the rest of the time enjoying the warmer weather. In the past, we've hit NY in the winter so it will be nice to see the city in the spring for a change. Of course the boys are looking forward to getting back to NY...Conner said it is his favorite place to be - other than Disney.

Sunday, May 11, 2008


Uncle Adam graduted from Bloomsburg University yesterday. He gave a great speech, as he was the senior class president, with lots of laughs and applause. Congrats, Uncle Adam.

The boys with their cousin, Seth.

The whole fam.

The sibs.

The Conman looking cute.

More Disney Pictures

My boys with Jungle Book characters.

About to enter the Bug 3D show.

Conner and Grady giving Buzz high 5s.

Grady enjoyed playing with Pluto's whiskers.


We're finally home after two weekends in PA and one week in Florida. Disney was SO great with the kids. Even though it was their 4th trip to see Mickey and his gang, each time has been different and last week was no exception. I don't know how to post video from our video camera but we WERE able to catch Conner's reaction when he finally discovered that we were in Orlando and not Manchester. When we finally exited the plane, Conner began asking when we were going to get home and if he could stay up for a while. That's when we spilled the beans that we were heading to Disney and not Bedford. I think he may have fainted for a split second because he fell over and he was almost certainly about to cry. During our first day at the parks, Conner must have hugged and kissed us and thanked us for the trip to Disney at least 20 times. Grady's response was, "Yay! Ok, watch this trick I can do!"
The boys experienced lots of new rides, including the Tower of Terror and Dinosaur, mostly because we now have a little thrill seeker on our hands. They danced, ate, and sang along with their favorite characters at the various parades, restaurants, and shows. (I do need to recommend the Finding Nemo show at Animal Kingdom. If it were an hour longer it could be a Broadway show.) We had what I thought was our most relaxing vacation in Disney to date.

Shawn and Grady were FORCED to sit in business class on our way down to FL.

Conner watching the High School Musical street show at Hollywood studios.

We always need to get some ink when we're on vaca.

Conner rockin' out in Africa.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

And The Winner Is...

Conner Johnson! 3rd place finisher in the 1st grade jump roping contest. Go, Conner!
Grades being Grades.