Well, being a stay-at-home mom sure doesn't free up the schedule much. In fact, it just makes room for more "stuff." Between school, swimming lessons, tae-kwon-do lessons, babysitting at the gym, and playdates the past two weeks have flown by.
Conner is enjoying pre-school three days a week. Today his job was to count before all of the songs...I suppose you need to really stretch to find jobs for all 16 kids! Conner is also quite fond of the gym and, more specifically, going to the babysitting room. Since I work until 1 on Tuesdays, the employee's children all eat lunch together. This is very cool to Conner. What is not cool to Conner is the brown bag. I really don't know what I was thinking when I bought brown bags for lunches - I've been working with high schoolers for too long. After my first day "on the job" we went right over to the mall and got an Incredibles lunch box. Now he's cool.
Grady just had his 18 month check-up. Up until this most recent visit to the doctor, he enjoyed his visits...well, until he received his shots. He must have remembered the previous visit because when the doctor walked into the examining room he started to cry. (Luckily there are no shots at 18 months.) He's a whopping 24 pounds 15 ounces and 33 inches. What a bruiser!! He is definitely our tough guy. Shawn took the boys to the playground last weekend where Grady fell face first onto the ground. The Grades didn't even flinch, he just got up, brushed off, and kept on going.
Next week should be jam packed with excitement. Shawn is going to be in Boston Tuesday thru Sunday, and I am taking our good friends' youngest two children for two nights while they are in Detroit. Missy is Conner's age and his best little friend, and Jared is 3. We'll have a great time.
Conner on his first day of school.
Finding his cubby.
I call Grady Mr. Slippers now. The first thing he looks for when he wakes up is this set of light-up slippers...what a comedian!!